Frequently Asked Questions

Women in Digital Awards FAQs

  • How do I enter?
How do I enter?

To enter, visit and register for an account. From there, all you need to do is select a category and follow the prompts to complete the application process addressing specific questions.

  • Can I submit an entry on behalf of someone else?
Can I submit an entry on behalf of someone else?

Yes, you can! Once you’ve selected a category you can choose to either:

  1. Self nominate
  2. Nominate someone else
  3. Complete the nomination on behalf of someone else

By nominating on behalf of someone else, you are completing the nomination and application process from start to finish. Once completed, they will be notified.

  • Can I enter if I (or my organisation) are based outside of Australia?
Can I enter if I (or my organisation) are based outside of Australia?

As a national awards program based in Australia, nominees must reside in Australia to be eligible for an award. Nominated organisations must also have Australian operations. The successes you are describing in your entry must have been completed in the Australian market.

  • Can I enter more than one category?
Can I enter more than one category?

Absolutely, as long as your entry is relevant to the category you are entering and meets the individual category criteria. While you may use the same project as the focus of your entry, the way it is presented should align with the specific category entered.

  • Can I nominate for an individual category if I no longer work for that company?
Can I nominate for an individual category if I no longer work for that company?

Yes, you can as long as other pre-qualifying criteria are also met.

  • Can I share a video with my submission?
Can I share a video with my submission?

Yes. If you have video content you would like to include to support your entry, please paste a sharable URL link within your submission. Please note: it is up to our industry judges whether they view this or not so we recommended providing as much context as possible.

  • What is the judging process?
What is the judging process?

The judging process is conducted in two rounds. In the first round, judges will independently review shortlisted entries across their assigned category and score them on a 1-10 rating scale across various criteria. They will also have an opportunity to make comments. In the second stage, judges will come together for an online face-to-face deliberation where they will review the collated scores, discuss entries and finally, determine the top finalists and winner for their category.

  • What are the costs involved?
What are the costs involved?

Currently, there is no entry fee for the WID Awards. However, finalists and attendees will be required to cover expenses to attend the WID Awards Gala.

Click here to more about the WID Awards Gala.

  • I need technical support with my entry. How can I get assistance?
I need technical support with my entry. How can I get assistance?

If you require technical support on our Awards Portal, please email us at Please provide as much detail as possible with screenshots where applicable to help us address your technical concerns.

Do you have another burning question? Send us an email at and we will be in touch soon!