Women in Digital Awards

Nominations Extended! Due to overwhelming demand, we’ve re-opened nominations until Friday, July 19 2024 – 3:00pm AEST.

The Women in Digital Awards were founded in 2018 based on the idea ‘you can’t be what you can’t see.’

The awards are a celebration of incredible women within the digital industries and the organisations that support them.

We believe that unless we have more visible role models in digital and technology we won’t change the status quo. By shining a light on industry leaders, we shine a light on the career pathways and possibilities that digital and technology provides to women.

We are fierce advocates of celebrating excellence and know that these awards support self-recognition and belief. In fact, in 2023 over 88% of nominees said that they had more career confidence after completing a Women in Digital awards nomination form.

Nominate Now

2024 Judging – Expression of Interest

Interested in being an industry judge for the 2024 Women in Digital Awards? Click here to fill out the form.

We will be in touch with successful judges in early 2024 to discuss key dates and what is involved before you commit.


You can’t be what you can’t see

Since 2018 we have championed over 95 award winners, 320 finalists and 2,328 nominees in their career, and we’re just getting started.

This awards program is run in collaboration with a range of incredible partners, industry leaders, and the Australian digital community which rallies around this program year on year to see more incredible humans receive the recognition they deserve.

Our nomination and entry process is quick, easy and creates greater awareness of professional accomplishments – in fact 88% of nominees rate greater belief in their abilities after completing their entry.

The shortlisting and judging process is undertaken with impartial industry leaders and culminates in an evening of celebration at our annual Women in Digital Awards Gala.

Nominate Now




  • Champion of Change
  • Customer Experience Leader of the Year
  • Cybersecurity Leader of the Year
  • Data Leader of the Year
  • Digital Marketer of the Year
  • Digital Transformation Leader of the Year
  • Digital Workforce – Skills for the Future
  • Employer of the Year
  • Executive Leader of the Year
  • Founder of the Year
  • Indigenous Leader of the Year
  • Industry Excellence Award
  • Innovator of the Year
  • Product Manager of the Year
  • Public Sector: Digital Transformation Team of the Year
  • Rising Star of the Year
  • Software Engineer of the Year
  • Technical Leader of the Year
  • UX Leader of the Year

Nominate Now

Key Dates

Nominations Open: Wednesday, May 15 2024
Nominations Close: Sunday, July 14 2024 – 11:59pm AEST
Nomination Extension: Friday, July 19 2024 – 3:00pm AEST
Finalist Judging Day:
 Thursday, August 29 2024

Finalists Announced: Tuesday, September 10 2024
Ticket Sales Close: Friday, October 18 2024
Winners Announced: Friday, October 25 2024




Self-reflection and recognition.
The nomination process encourages you to pause and think about your achievements and then articulate them.

Career visibility.
Get your work out there, and let the success speak volumes about you.

Business visibility.
If you become a finalist or winner, you’ll have the industry’s best and brightest learning about the incredible work you do! This is business gold (hello free PR!) for Founders.

Inspiring others.
By putting yourself forward and showcasing your work in digital and technology you have the opportunity inspire young girls and women to follow in your footsteps and realise a career in technology.

Nominate Now


Become a WID Awards partner

We love to partner with value-aligned companies that share our mission to harness the power of technology to create a better future for all. We are grateful to have partnered with some of Australia’s leading organisations to bring this event to life.

Get in touch with our team for our 2024 WID Awards prospectus and to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Email us at awards@womenindigital.org




The awards gala is where the community comes together – providing a great opportunity to network with industry leaders. 

We’ll be bringing back our signature awards gala experience in 2024. With a black-tie dress code, this is your chance to frock up and get fancy with some incredible industry leaders and colleagues as we champion some the best in the business.

Date: 25th October 2024
Time: 5:30pm – 11:00pm (AEST)
Location: Brisbane

Learn More


  • Can I really self-nominate for an award?
  • Can men attend this event?
  • How can I nominate for an award?
  • What is the cost of nominating?
  • I know an incredible woman in digital, can I nominate some else for an award?
Can I really self-nominate for an award?

Yes, you must!

Don’t be shy, visit our Women in Digital Awards Portal to nominate for a category. By nominating you’ll not only be recognising your own achievements, you’ll also be inspiring other young women to pursue a career in digital.

*nominations are now closed for 2023*

Can men attend this event?

Yes absolutely! We love having male champions of change attend our events whether that’s in person or online. Our community is pro-diversity and pro-equality… approximately 30% of our community is made up of male champions of change #Manbassadors.

How can I nominate for an award?

To nominate, head to our Women in Digital Awards Portal >>> https://awards.womenindigital.org/awards.

While you are here, you can also:

  • Sign up for our newsletter so you never miss any important community and Awards-related updates. Click here to subscribe.
  • Come along and cheer the finalists on at our Awards Gala.

*nominations are now closed for 2023*

What is the cost of nominating?

Free! Currently, WIDAwards nominations are free of charge for nominees and nominators to ensure accessibility of this awards program, regardless of financial circumstances.

To nominate, head to our Women in Digital Awards Portal >>> https://awards.womenindigital.org/awards

*nominations are now closed for 2023*

I know an incredible woman in digital, can I nominate some else for an award?


Please visit our Women in Digital Awards Portal to nominate as many women and/or organisations as you like for an appropriate category.

*nominations are now closed for 2023*


What past winners say


Tamara Mirkovic, 2022 Digital Transformation & Data Leader of the Year
“Following the awards I’ve had many people reach out to me on Linkedin and other professional networking organisations for mentoring support, keynote speaking events and I was even interviewed on a podcast! These opportunities would have been out of reach if it had not been for the recognition associated with these awards and connections that I made through WiD.”


Aishwarya Kansakar, 2021 Rising Star of the Year

“The Women in Digital Awards has driven awareness about my career and endeavours! I have received a number of speaking invitations to multiple national conferences and have spoken in front of hundreds of industry leaders. I’ve had the opportunity to increase my reach which has strengthened my position in the Australian technology community.”


Sasha Morrissey, 2022 Software Engineer of the Year

“I am beyond grateful to be awarded 2022 Software Engineer of the Year. As I said on the night, I’ve loved coding since I was a kid, the fact that I get to do this as my job feels like a real-life fairy-tale.I hope these awards show women everywhere that there are people like them in the digital industry. Let’s continue to change the world through technology!”


Sorcha Abel, 2020 Technical Leader of the Year
“One of the best parts about entering was that it gave me an opportunity to reflect on my past accomplishments. I have a tendency not to focus on my achievements or else I just completely take them for granted and therefore discount them. The WID Awards made me stop, think, and forced me to reflect and document my achievements. It’s helped me to change my perspective, from one that is always focused on looking at my future goals to look at my past achievements. It actually helped me to believe in myself more. And an award that can do that is worth its weight in gold!!!”


Tracy Whitelaw, 2021 Executive Leader of the Year

“One of my best friends’ daughters had a hero dress-up day for school. She told her mum that she wanted to dress up like her friend who was on stage winning the digital award (spoiler alert – that’s me!), which absolutely melted my heart. Its moments like that which demonstrate why we all need to nominate ourselves and the ladies in our life for the Women in Digital awards – to show young girls and women that a career in technology can be truly aspirational.”


Alexis Tyler, 2021 Software Engineer of the Year
“The Women in Digital Awards has been an incredible experience and opened so many doors in my career. In the months following the awards, I’ve had so many people reach out to me with mentoring, speaking, and networking opportunities. It’s given me great confidence in my abilities, as well as clarity into the value I can bring at work. I know it can be daunting to put your hand up for something like this, but I can’t recommend it more highly, for yourself and your career.”

2024 Partners

Gold Partners

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Silver Partner

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Bronze Partners

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Entertainment & Media Partners

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Category Partners

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