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Took a Career Wrong Turn? Melanie knows all about it!

September 5, 2024 by Women in Digital

Took a Career Wrong Turn? Melanie knows all about it!

Melanie Packer’s career journey is a remarkable story of reinvention, self-discovery, and determination. Starting her professional life as a Town Planner, she now thrives in the digital world as a Power BI Developer at NHVR, specialising in data analytics.

Her transition from Urban Planning to the tech industry has been anything but linear, but her story is proof that it’s never too late to change paths and chase new dreams.

Early Career: Navigating the World of Town Planning

Melanie’s initial career in town planning was driven by her natural ability to think spatially. Growing up, she was the “chief navigator” of her family, and with the encouragement of her parents, both of whom were teachers, she developed a love for both technical and humanities-based subjects.

I wanted to study something technical, but I didn’t have the math grades for engineering, so planning seemed like the perfect balance,” Melanie recalls. For years, she worked as a development assessment planner, negotiating with property developers and making her mark in urban planning. While she enjoyed her role and the team she worked with, a sense of repetitiveness started to creep in. This sense of stagnation led her to reconsider her career path, though making a change was daunting.

The Turning Point: From Planner to Coder

In 2018, Melanie took a break and traveled for three months, using this time to reflect on her next steps. “I decided to create a WordPress blog to share trip updates with friends and family,” she explains. Little did she know, this side project would ignite a new passion. She became so engrossed in coding and redesigning her blog that she realised her future career had to involve tech.

The decision to leap into the tech world wasn’t easy. “It was scary to try something completely new when I had an established career,” she admits. But the thrill of learning to code outweighed the fear of starting over.

Melanie’s journey into tech wasn’t without challenges, with the biggest hurdle being her confidence, or lack there of. Entering the tech space after years in a different industry felt like being back at square one. But she approached her learning with the same patience she’d have extended to a junior colleague.

“I had to give myself the space to learn.”

A key moment in her journey was when she took up rock climbing—a hobby that became a metaphor for her professional growth. “Climbing helped me build confidence and self-worth outside of work. It reminded me that I could succeed in other areas too.

Leveraging Skills from Town Planning in the Tech World

Though Melanie initially felt her background in town planning didn’t help much in the tech world, over time she realised that her soft skills were invaluable. Her experience negotiating with developers taught her how to handle high-pressure situations. “In planning, sometimes I had to say ‘no’ or ‘I’m not sure’—those skills have carried over to my current role,” she shares.

Her urban planning background also equipped her with the ability to think three steps ahead, a skill that has proved crucial in data analytics. “Urban planning teaches you to think about how people interact with their environment, and I apply that same forward-thinking to data projects.

One of the biggest obstacles Melanie faced during her career change was the technical learning curve—specifically, statistics. “I hadn’t studied math since high school, and I had to re-learn basic equations,” she recalls. Despite these initial challenges, Melanie persevered, crediting her resilience as one of her proudest accomplishments. “What I’m most proud of is my ability to keep pushing even when it felt like it would never happen.

Finding Balance Between Work and Personal Passions

Rock climbing, which played such a crucial role in Melanie’s confidence-building, continues to help her maintain balance between her personal and professional life. “Movement keeps me healthy, mentally and physically,” she says. Although balancing a demanding job with climbing can be difficult, she remains committed to making time for her personal passions.

It’s Never Too Late to Change

Melanie’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and self-belief. For those considering a career change, she advises, “It’s never too late. There were times when I felt like I was too far down the wrong path to turn back, but I learned that you can always pivot.

Reflecting on her journey, she emphasises the importance of community. “When I first joined Women in Digital, I was a planner trying to break into tech, and chatting with other community members gave me the confidence I needed.

Today, Melanie’s role is a blend of technical skills and stakeholder engagement. “My team develops and maintains Power BI reports, but my background in planning means I also handle project coordination and stakeholder relationships.” Her career path may have changed dramatically, but she has found a way to meld her technical and interpersonal skills, and she couldn’t be happier.

For Melanie, the journey hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredibly rewarding. “If I could tell my younger self anything, it would be that it’s okay to be on your own path—just because you feel behind, doesn’t mean you are.

Melanie’s story serves as a powerful reminder: it’s never too late to change direction, and the stories we tell ourselves are just as important as the skills we bring to the table.

Women in Digital