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September 25, 2024 Women in Digital

A full recap of our Meet the C-Suite Brisbane Event

The Meet the C-Suite event, powered by QUT Entrepreneurship, brought together aspiring professionals and Brisbane’s top tech executives for a series of group mentoring sessions. These sessions provided an invaluable chance for participants to gain insights from seasoned leaders, helping to shape their career trajectories. Throughout the night, one theme resonated clearly: the importance of mentorship in career growth.

The Value of Mentorship in Career Growth

Mentorship is more than just receiving advice; it’s about having a trusted guide to help you navigate your career path, identify opportunities, and avoid potential pitfalls. A good mentor can accelerate your growth by offering perspectives shaped by experience and offering the support needed to thrive.

Angela Jones, CIDO at Workcover QLD, spoke to this directly:

“There’s no secret sauce to building high-performing teams, but having a vision creates connection, clarity, and kindness.”

This kind of vision and connection is what great mentors can help cultivate in rising professionals. Through shared experiences, mentors can help mentees recognise that they don’t have to fit a mould to be successful. Angela encouraged participants to not count themselves out for roles, even if they felt underqualified.

Thriving in a Relatable Environment

In any career, the culture of your workplace can greatly impact your personal and professional well-being. Angela Ryan, CIO at Auto & General, reinforced the idea that since so much of our confidence comes from our jobs, it’s important to find an environment that understands and supports this.

“For better or worse, we get a certain amount of confidence from our jobs. It’s important that the culture of the workplace understands that.”

Workplace environments that foster trust, transparency, and inclusivity allow individuals to thrive. Leaders like Tracy Whitelaw, CDO at LGAQ, emphasised the importance of building relationships to create these environments. Her approach of connecting with each team member through regular coffee catchups exemplifies how strong relationships foster a thriving work culture.

“At my level of responsibility, my job is about relationships. Clear is kind—be direct when giving feedback.”

Growing Your Career and Building Confidence

Mentorship also plays a key role in building confidence. Often, we may doubt our qualifications for certain roles, as Angela Jones mentioned, but mentors help challenge those doubts. Offering clarity on where strengths lie and how they can be applied, mentors can propel individuals into new opportunities.

Karishma Darr, CIO at CleanCo, reminded attendees of the importance of taking risks in their careers:

“Sometimes you feel like you are failing, but you have to take the risk to make it work.”

This sentiment was echoed by Dr. Joni Sytsma, CTO at iLAuNCH, who offered a unique perspective on failure:

“Failure is what success smells like.”

Both leaders encouraged participants to see failure not as a deterrent but as a stepping stone to growth. This shift in mindset is essential for career advancement, and mentors can play a vital role in fostering this outlook.

Leading with Transparency and Trust

Several of the mentors spoke to the importance of transparency, direct communication, and building trust in teams. Remona Murugan, Head of Technology Platforms at Rio Tinto, emphasised that clear and direct feedback is essential for cultivating trust within teams. For her, storytelling is a key tool when leading teams and connecting with stakeholders.

“Transparency and clear, direct feedback create trust.”

Remona also shared her strategies for balancing professional demands with personal commitments, such as dedicating thinking time and prioritising family dinners—an important reminder that success also involves setting boundaries. “Dinner with family is non-negotiable.

Leaders like Wendie Lee, CPO at Flight Centre Travel Group, echoed these thoughts, emphasising the importance of asserting your worth, while managing expectations clearly.

“Know your worth and fight for it. When you can’t employ people into your team, you must develop your team, or your team won’t be set up for success.”

Her advice to ask for what you want also struck a chord. She encouraged participants to speak up for their needs, as leaders may not always know them unless explicitly communicated. “Ask for what you want—your leader doesn’t know if you don’t ask.

Career Growth Requires Intentional Leadership

The mentoring sessions also provided deep insights into intentional leadership. Juliet Alabaster, COO at BEDA, highlighted the importance of continuous professional development, particularly focusing on honing soft skills to enhance leadership effectiveness.

“Soft skills are important. Being able to flex is key.”

Alexa Kane, CCO at Felix also shared advice on becoming more data-driven and commercially focused in leadership roles. Her emphasis on observing before stepping in to offer insights and ideas encourages intentional, thoughtful leadership.

“Being data-driven and commercially focused is critical, particularly when presenting insights.”

Final Thoughts

The Women in Digital Meet the C-Suite event was a powerful reminder of the importance of mentorship, not just for professional development but for personal growth. The insights shared by the Brisbane tech executives provided invaluable guidance on building relationships, taking risks, thriving in supportive environments, and navigating the path to leadership.
This event was a testament to the power of community and mentorship in shaping future leaders. We’re excited to see how these conversations will inspire career growth and create lasting impacts within our community.



Become a Women in Digital Member

Are you passionate about connecting with like–minded humans? Is professional development important to you? Do you want to take active steps towards creating your own career opportunities? Welcome to Women in Digital’s Individual Membership!

Whether you’re looking to expand your circle, score your next promotion, build professional recognition, return to the workforce, make a pivot in your career, or shape the future for women in digital or more broadly, the future of technology… we want to help YOU achieve your goals with the support of our welcoming community.

Become a Member


September 5, 2024 Women in Digital

Took a Career Wrong Turn? Melanie knows all about it!

Melanie Packer’s career journey is a remarkable story of reinvention, self-discovery, and determination. Starting her professional life as a Town Planner, she now thrives in the digital world as a Power BI Developer at NHVR, specialising in data analytics.

Her transition from Urban Planning to the tech industry has been anything but linear, but her story is proof that it’s never too late to change paths and chase new dreams.

Early Career: Navigating the World of Town Planning

Melanie’s initial career in town planning was driven by her natural ability to think spatially. Growing up, she was the “chief navigator” of her family, and with the encouragement of her parents, both of whom were teachers, she developed a love for both technical and humanities-based subjects.

I wanted to study something technical, but I didn’t have the math grades for engineering, so planning seemed like the perfect balance,” Melanie recalls. For years, she worked as a development assessment planner, negotiating with property developers and making her mark in urban planning. While she enjoyed her role and the team she worked with, a sense of repetitiveness started to creep in. This sense of stagnation led her to reconsider her career path, though making a change was daunting.

The Turning Point: From Planner to Coder

In 2018, Melanie took a break and traveled for three months, using this time to reflect on her next steps. “I decided to create a WordPress blog to share trip updates with friends and family,” she explains. Little did she know, this side project would ignite a new passion. She became so engrossed in coding and redesigning her blog that she realised her future career had to involve tech.

The decision to leap into the tech world wasn’t easy. “It was scary to try something completely new when I had an established career,” she admits. But the thrill of learning to code outweighed the fear of starting over.

Melanie’s journey into tech wasn’t without challenges, with the biggest hurdle being her confidence, or lack there of. Entering the tech space after years in a different industry felt like being back at square one. But she approached her learning with the same patience she’d have extended to a junior colleague.

“I had to give myself the space to learn.”

A key moment in her journey was when she took up rock climbing—a hobby that became a metaphor for her professional growth. “Climbing helped me build confidence and self-worth outside of work. It reminded me that I could succeed in other areas too.

Leveraging Skills from Town Planning in the Tech World

Though Melanie initially felt her background in town planning didn’t help much in the tech world, over time she realised that her soft skills were invaluable. Her experience negotiating with developers taught her how to handle high-pressure situations. “In planning, sometimes I had to say ‘no’ or ‘I’m not sure’—those skills have carried over to my current role,” she shares.

Her urban planning background also equipped her with the ability to think three steps ahead, a skill that has proved crucial in data analytics. “Urban planning teaches you to think about how people interact with their environment, and I apply that same forward-thinking to data projects.

One of the biggest obstacles Melanie faced during her career change was the technical learning curve—specifically, statistics. “I hadn’t studied math since high school, and I had to re-learn basic equations,” she recalls. Despite these initial challenges, Melanie persevered, crediting her resilience as one of her proudest accomplishments. “What I’m most proud of is my ability to keep pushing even when it felt like it would never happen.

Finding Balance Between Work and Personal Passions

Rock climbing, which played such a crucial role in Melanie’s confidence-building, continues to help her maintain balance between her personal and professional life. “Movement keeps me healthy, mentally and physically,” she says. Although balancing a demanding job with climbing can be difficult, she remains committed to making time for her personal passions.

It’s Never Too Late to Change

Melanie’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and self-belief. For those considering a career change, she advises, “It’s never too late. There were times when I felt like I was too far down the wrong path to turn back, but I learned that you can always pivot.

Reflecting on her journey, she emphasises the importance of community. “When I first joined Women in Digital, I was a planner trying to break into tech, and chatting with other community members gave me the confidence I needed.

Today, Melanie’s role is a blend of technical skills and stakeholder engagement. “My team develops and maintains Power BI reports, but my background in planning means I also handle project coordination and stakeholder relationships.” Her career path may have changed dramatically, but she has found a way to meld her technical and interpersonal skills, and she couldn’t be happier.

For Melanie, the journey hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredibly rewarding. “If I could tell my younger self anything, it would be that it’s okay to be on your own path—just because you feel behind, doesn’t mean you are.

Melanie’s story serves as a powerful reminder: it’s never too late to change direction, and the stories we tell ourselves are just as important as the skills we bring to the table.


August 28, 2024 Women in Digital

The Juggle Is Real: Insights from Our Perth Event on Finding Balance

Women in Digital made its debut in Perth in August, and what an incredible evening it was! Hosted at The Melbourne Hotel, the event brought together some of Western Australia’s most inspiring female digital leaders to discuss a challenge facing many of us: finding balance in our personal and professional lives.

The panel, powered by our new corporate members auDA and delivered in collaboration with WiTWA, featured insights from Esther Anderson (Founder and Digital Strategist at Teck Design & Marketing), Bec Nguyen (Founder and Director at Upbeat Digital), and Tina Ambrose (Co-Chair at Women in Technology WA Inc.). Moderated by Andrew McCallum, the discussion was as enlightening as it was empowering, offering attendees practical advice and a sense of solidarity in their shared experiences.

Our Top Three Takeaways:

💡 Have Empathy for Yourself

One of the most resonant messages of the evening was the importance of self-compassion. In a world that often demands perfection, it’s easy to be hard on ourselves when we fall short. The panellists reminded us that it’s okay to acknowledge our limits and to treat ourselves with the same kindness we would extend to a friend. Balance starts from within, and that means prioritising our well-being just as much as our responsibilities.

💡 No One Size Fits All When It Comes to Balance

The quest for balance is deeply personal, and what works for one person might not work for another. The panellists shared their unique approaches to managing the many demands of life, emphasising that there’s no universal formula. Whether it’s structuring your day differently, seeking support, or redefining success on your terms, the key is to find what works best for you.

💡 When It Does Come Time to Stop or Take a Break, Don’t Let Work Into Your Safe Space

In our daily lives, the lines between work and personal life can easily blur. The panellists stressed the importance of protecting your personal time and space from work intrusions. Whether it is setting boundaries with your devices or creating a physical space where work is off-limits, maintaining this separation is crucial for recharging and preserving your mental health.

The evening wasn’t just about listening—it was about connecting. The energy in the room was palpable, and it was clear that everyone left feeling a little more empowered and inspired.

Looking Ahead

This event was just the beginning of our journey in Perth. As we continue to grow, we’re excited to bring more opportunities for connection, learning, and support to women in digital across Australia. Stay tuned for more events, and if you missed this one, don’t worry—there are plenty more chances to get involved.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and a special thank you to our panellists and partners, auDA and WiTWA, for making this event possible.

Here’s to finding balance, together.



Join us at our upcoming ‘How To Negotiate A Pay Rise’ webinar

To help you gain invaluable knowledge and strategies to confidently navigate the negotiation process and advocate for your worth, Alex Hanlon from Fair Pay Negotiations will be helping us master negotiation strategies for a successful outcome. Alex is a seasoned executive who brings in depth experience of complex problem solving, strategy development, crisis management and recovery.

Register Today


August 15, 2024 Women in Digital

From Awareness to Action: Driving Change on Equal Pay Day

Despite all the work happening behind the scenes regarding gender equity, Australia continues to face a persistent challenge: the gender pay gap. As the tech and digital sectors continue to innovate and grow, women are still not paid equally for their expertise and contributions.

WGEA has announced the date for this year’s Equal Pay Day as 19 August, marking the 50 days into the new financial year that Australian women must work to earn the same, on average, as men did last year.

This year’s theme is “it doesn’t add up.”

What causes the gender pay gap?

The disparity in average earnings between women and men is shaped by a complex web of social and economic factors that diminish women’s earning potential throughout their careers.

Key contributing factors include:

  • Conscious and Unconscious Bias: Discrimination in hiring and pay decisions, both overt and subtle, continues to disadvantage women.
  • Industry Segregation: Women and men often work in different industries and roles, with female-dominated sectors typically offering lower wages.
  • Workplace Inflexibility: The lack of flexible work arrangements, particularly in senior positions, hampers women’s ability to balance work and caregiving responsibilities.
  • Part-Time Employment: Women are more likely to work part-time, which affects their overall earnings and career advancement.
  • Career Interruptions: Women’s career progression and opportunities are often stalled due to taking time out of the workforce for caregiving duties.
  • Unpaid Labor: Women shoulder a disproportionate share of unpaid domestic and caregiving work, further impacting their earning capacity.

“The gender pay gap is fueled by a mix of unconscious biases, industry norms, and societal expectations. To close this gap, we need leaders with courage, innovative solutions, and a collective push for change from everyone—individuals, companies, and communities alike.” –  Alex Hanlon, Negotiation Navigator


How can you start driving change today?

1. Educate and Advocate

Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about the gender pay gap, its causes, and its impact. Understanding the nuances of the issue is crucial for effective advocacy.

Raise Awareness: Use your voice to spread awareness about the importance of gender equity. Share relevant articles, statistics, and personal stories on social media, in your workplace, and within your community.

Engage in Conversations: Start and participate in discussions about gender equity in the workplace. Encourage others to join the conversation and understand the importance of closing the gender pay gap.

2. Support Policy and Organisational Changes

Advocate for Transparency: Push for salary transparency in your workplace. Encourage your employer to conduct regular pay audits and openly share the results.

Support Legislation: Back policies and laws aimed at closing the gender pay gap. This can include supporting local, state, and national legislation that promotes gender equity.

Encourage Best Practices: Promote and support workplace policies that help reduce the pay gap, such as flexible working arrangements, parental leave, and career development opportunities for women.

3. Take Personal Action

Negotiate Your Salary: Be proactive in negotiating your salary and benefits. Research industry standards and come prepared with data to support your request.

Mentor and Sponsor: Mentor and sponsor other women in your industry. Share your knowledge, provide guidance, and help them navigate their career paths.

Continue Professional Development: Invest in your own professional development. Attend workshops, pursue further education, and seek out opportunities to enhance your skills and advance your career.

If you don’t ask, you won’t get

Alex Hanlon from Fairpay Negotiations is presenting at our upcoming ‘How To Negotiate A Pay Rise’ webinar and has a series of blog articles to help you deal with common pushbacks that arise in pay negotiations. Check them out here:

“Negotiating your salary isn’t just about seeking more money; it’s about understanding your value and standing up for what you deserve. Arm yourself with information, be confident in your achievements, and don’t hesitate to have that essential conversation.” – Alex Hanlon, Negotiation Navigator


3 ways employers can take action to end the gender pay gap

Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide

The WGEA Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide helps employers to plan and execute a pay and composition analysis in order to identify the drivers of their gender pay gap.

→ Access it here

WGEA Action Planning Tool

The Action Planning Tool helps employers who report to WGEA identify actions they can take to improve gender equality in their workplace.

→ Access it here

Capacity Building Live Masterclasses

WGEA has a series of live masterclasses and learning events to help employers deepen their understanding of workplace gender equality and take effective action to narrow their gender pay gap.

→ Access it here

What next?

As we mark Equal Pay Day in 2024, it’s clear that achieving pay equity in the tech and digital sectors is both a pressing need and a significant opportunity for growth. By understanding the unique challenges in our industry and taking proactive steps—whether it’s advocating for transparency, supporting policy changes, or negotiating confidently—we can all play a pivotal role in driving meaningful change.

Let’s encourage our collective power to bridge the pay gap and ensure that every contribution is recognised and rewarded fairly. Together, we can turn the promise of gender equity into a reality, setting a new standard for fairness and excellence in Australia’s tech and digital landscape.



Join us at our upcoming ‘How To Negotiate A Pay Rise’ webinar

To help recognise Equal Pay Day, and to help you gain invaluable knowledge and strategies to confidently navigate the negotiation process and advocate for your worth, Alex Hanlon from Fair Pay Negotiations will be helping us master negotiation strategies for a successful outcome. Alex is a seasoned executive who brings in depth experience of complex problem solving, strategy development, crisis management and recovery.

Register Today


August 13, 2024 Women in Digital

From Teaching to Tech

Yvonne’s Inspiring Journey from Teacher to Senior Business Analyst

Originally from Ireland, Yvonne Hill now calls Wollongong, NSW, home. She lives there with her husband, three kids, and two dogs. With a decade of experience teaching primary school students in both Ireland and Australia, Yvonne decided to make a significant career transition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moving from the classroom to the digital industry, she embarked on a journey to become a UX designer through the Mantel Group Flagship Traineeship Program. Today, she applies her user-centric learnings as a Senior Business Analyst at Mantel Group, where she drives innovative solutions across industries like health insurance, retail, and technology.

Yvonne’s interest in becoming a Business Analyst was sparked by a sense of stagnation in her teaching role. To explore new avenues, she began studying Graphic Design part-time, which eventually led her to UX design. Her journey took a pivotal turn at Mantel Group, where she participated in their Traineeship Program in 2021. This 12-week, full-time, paid program was designed to support women and gender minorities transitioning to tech careers. Through on-the-job training and mentorship, Yvonne put her newly acquired design skills to use, ultimately finding her niche as a Business Analyst.

Her background in teaching provided a solid foundation for her transition into the digital realm. The skills she developed as a teacher – working with and helping people, being organised, and fostering creativity – were directly transferable to her new role in UX design and business analysis. These skills enabled her to thrive in environments that demand empathy, structure, and innovative thinking.

However, the transition was not without its challenges. Yvonne recalls the difficulties of feeling like the oldest newbie in the room and the discomfort of stepping into an entirely new industry. She learned to embrace change as a synonym for growth and trusted the process, even when it meant not having all the answers right away. As Nedd B famously said, “You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.” This mindset helped Yvonne navigate the uncertainties, self-doubt and imposter syndrome that accompanied her significant career shift.

Throughout her journey, Yvonne found solace and strength in the support of friends and colleagues who had undergone similar transitions. The shift into the digital space also brought unexpected benefits. Yvonne now enjoys a much better work-life balance, with the flexibility to work from home and spend more time with her family. Simple pleasures, like being able to pick up or drop off her kids at school, have added immense value to her daily life. Additionally, Yvonne had the opportunity to speak at Design Outlook, an experience that stretched her out of her comfort zone and offered valuable learning.

Reflecting on my journey, I am proud of my perseverance and willingness to embrace the unfamiliar. If I had any advice for my younger self, and anyone considering a career change, it is to remain calm and accept that it’s okay not to know everything on day one.” – Yvonne Hill

Yvonne’s story is a testament to the power of adaptability and the impact of supportive programs and communities in facilitating career transitions. Her journey from teaching to tech illustrates that with the right mindset and support, it’s possible to transform your career and find fulfilment in new, unexpected places.


Mantel Group Flagship Traineeship Program

Mantel Group’s flagship Traineeship Program, spanning 12 weeks, aims to upskill career transitioners, those returning after a significant break, and individuals identifying as women or a gender minority. They have welcomed participants from diverse fields such as hospitality, nursing, finance, optometry, and architecture, all bringing unique perspectives to our culture.

The program includes an immersive two-week induction, eight weeks of technical skills development, and a chance to practice learned skills in a safe environment on a real-life internal project, supported by a dedicated Mantel Group mentor.

Mantel Group has supported 81 trainees through the programs so far, with 75 people securing permanent roles at Mantel Group. They are also incredibly proud of receiving the 2024 Tech Diversity Award, recognising the significant impact of their traineeship on both Mantel Group and the industry.




Find out more about the Mantel Group Flagship Traineeship Program

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from our members, showcasing the incredible journeys and achievements of Women in Digital!

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July 31, 2024 Women in Digital

In the digital industry, deadlines and innovation race each other to the finish line and feedback often gets left in the dust. Yet, as our recent webinar with leadership extraordinaire Cherie Canning discussed, “The Gift of Feedback” is the secret sauce for supercharging your career trajectory, project outcome and personal development.

Cherie took us on a feedback journey, diving into the quirks of human nature that hold us back, and discovering top-tier feedback models that make tough conversations as smooth as possible. Plus, we learnt how to create an environment where feedback isn’t feared but welcomed. Ready to unlock the feedback frenzy? Let’s break down why asking for feedback is your next power move and the simple steps to make it happen.

Radical candor

Radical candor is the secret ingredient to transforming workplace communication from polite small talk to meaningful dialogue that drives results. Coined by Kim Scott, radical candor involves offering feedback that is both challenging and caring—balancing honesty with empathy. It’s about caring personally while challenging directly, creating an environment where people feel supported enough to excel. This approach empowers employees to share ideas and concerns openly, knowing that their contributions will be valued and respected.

→ Check out a recent LinkedIn post by our Founder Holly Hunt on her recent Radical Candour encounter.

By fostering a culture of radical candor, organisations can break down barriers, promote trust, and ignite innovation, all while encouraging individuals to grow and succeed together. In a world where the truth often gets sugar-coated or lost in translation, radical candor ensures that the message is clear, constructive, and rooted in a genuine desire to help others improve.

The feedback exchange

Mastering the feedback exchange process can be your career’s best asset. Think of it as a loop: ask, ask, ask, share, share, coach.

“What did you do well?”
“What could you improve?”
“Is it okay if I give you my perspective…”

Start by asking questions to gain a clear understanding of your team’s challenges, needs, and perspectives. This shows that you value their input and are committed to creating a collaborative environment.

“What I observed you did well was…”
“What I would like to see more of…”

Once you’ve gathered insights, it’s time to share—offer your observations, suggestions, and appreciation in a way that is transparent and constructive. By sharing your feedback openly, you lay the groundwork for mutual respect and understanding.

“The next steps and time frames”

Then comes the coaching element: guide your team with actionable advice, helping them turn feedback into tangible improvements.This iterative process of asking, sharing, and coaching transforms feedback from a dreaded chore into an engaging and empowering conversation, fuelling professional growth and team cohesion.

Receiving feedback Do’s and Don’ts

Navigating the feedback maze requires a blend of open-mindedness and strategic thinking. Here are the do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when you’re on the receiving end.

  • Do ask for clarification and examples. Listen to specifics and explore their perspectives. Do avoid defence or blame, and take responsibility. Commit to action and make sure you say thank you
  • Don’t assume bad intentions, downplay the feedback or be sarcastic. Don’t ignore the feedback, even if it stings; instead, evaluate it objectively and consider how you can use it to improve.

By embracing feedback with grace and openness, you can transform it into a powerful tool for personal and professional development.

Close the loop

Embracing the gift of feedback is more than just a professional skill—it’s a catalyst for personal growth and team success. By fostering an environment where feedback is freely exchanged and genuinely valued, you unlock a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Remember, feedback isn’t just a one-time event but a loop: receiving feedback, implementing changes, and circling back to discuss progress. Closing the loop by following up on previous feedback demonstrates your commitment to development and builds trust within your team. It shows that feedback isn’t just heard—it’s acted upon, resulting in tangible improvements.

As you apply the insights from our “The Gift of Feedback” webinar, you’ll find that every conversation becomes an opportunity to learn, adapt, and excel, paving the way for a brighter, more collaborative future in the tech industry.

Did you love this webinar and want to know more about Cherie Canning and Luminate Leadership? Get in touch with her team today →



Get your copy of the presentation  |   Check out the recording  | 

Learn more about Luminate Leadership  |  Learn more about Goddess in the Boardroom


June 25, 2024 Women in Digital

Ready to take the next step in your career?

We can’t believe the End of Financial Year is upon us, and we are so excited to dive head first into the next twelve months of incredible events, programs and conversations with many incredible women across Australia.

To celebrate, we are launching an incredible offer you won’t want to miss!

The details

To celebrate the new financial year, one lucky winner will receive 3 x 60 minute sessions with Holly Hunt, Sarah Morgan and Cherie Canning, helping you feel empowered start the new financial year with a bang!

Everyone who signs up to a new annual individual Women in Digital membership before July 31 2024 will have a chance to win this incredible prize. This includes both annual paid memberships, and corporate team members who sign up using their corporate code.

One lucky winner will be empowered to ignite their future by joining Holly, Sarah and Cherie for 3 different sessions aimed at building your confidence, nailing your personal brand and reshaping your leadership qualities. Join our community of digital-loving, career-driven, gender-diversity-championing members today!

What you will win

One lucky winner will secure:

A 60 minute career development mentoring session, delivered by Holly Hunt, Founder of Women in Digital and Hunt & Co.

Holly is the Founder and CEO of Women in Digital. She is energised to support women in their pursuit of careers in digital and technology. She does this through building a thriving community, hosting inspiring events, and leading Australia’s preeminent awards program for women in digital and technology. Born from a love of mentoring, a passion for career guidance, and a belief that technology should be built by all people, for all people, Women in Digital is now a cornerstone of the industry.

Alongside this she is also CEO and Founder of Hunt & Co. a boutique recruitment agency which specialise in building diverse, high performing digital and technology teams for value aligned businesses.

A 60 minute professional branding session, delivered by Sarah Morgan, Managing Director of Bespoken

As a former journalist and PR strategist, Sarah Morgan is the Managing Director of Bespoken and has worked with some of Australia’s top executives in raising their professional brand to position themselves for their next job, build trust and expertise with staff and key stakeholders or become an expert in their key sector.

A 60 minute leadership coaching session, delivered by Cherie Canning, Director of Luminate Leadership

Cherie Canning is not just a speaker; she’s a catalyst for transformation in the workplace. With over two decades of experience in leadership development and organisational culture, Cherie brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to her role as the Founder of Luminate Leadership. Her dynamic approach to coaching and training has empowered countless individuals and teams to unlock their full potential. Through her engaging keynotes and interactive workshops, Cherie inspires audiences to embrace change, cultivate resilience, and harness the power of authentic leadership. As a sought-after thought facilitator, her impact continues to resonate across industries Australia wide. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and empowered by Cherie Canning as she guides you on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth.


I’m ready to sign up!




  • Eligibility:
    • The competition is open to individuals who sign up for our annual individual membership within the promotional period. This includes both annual paid memberships, and corporate team members who sign up as an annual individual member using their corporate code.
    • Student memberships, and new corporate memberships are not eligible.
    • Participants must be 18 years or older.
    • Employees, agents, and affiliates of the organisers and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.
  • Competition Period:
    • The competition commences on 26/06/2024 and ends on 31/07/2024. Entries received outside this period will not be considered.
  • How to Enter:
  • Prizes:
    • One 60-minute career development mentoring session with Holly Hunt, Founder of Women in Digital and Hunt&Co.
    • One 60-minute professional branding session with Sarah Morgan, Managing Director of Bespoken. Please note, this session will be delivered after August 16th due to Sarah’s availability.
    • One 60-minute leadership coaching session with Cherie Canning, Director of Luminate Leadership.
    • Prizes are non-transferable and no cash alternatives will be offered.
  • Winner Selection and Notification:
    • Winners will be selected at random from all eligible entries.
    • The draw will take place on 01/08/2024.
    • Winners will be notified via email within 7 days of the draw date.
    • If a winner does not respond within 14 days of the notification, the prize will be forfeited, and a new winner will be selected at random.
  • Prize Delivery:
    • Sessions will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time for the winner and the respective session provider.
    • Sessions may be conducted virtually or in person, depending on the availability and location of both the winner and the session provider.
  • General Conditions:
    • Women in Digital reserves the right to cancel, suspend, or modify the competition if any problem or unforeseen circumstances arise.
    • By entering the competition, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
    • Women in Digital’s decision is final in all matters relating to the competition.
  • Privacy:
    • Any personal information collected during the competition will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.
    • Participants’ information will not be shared with third parties without consent, except where necessary for the administration of the competition.
  • Limitation of Liability:
    • Women in Digital is not responsible for any technical issues, network failures, or any other events beyond its control that may cause the competition to be disrupted or corrupted.
    • By participating, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the organizer from any liability, claims, or damages arising out of their participation in the competition and the acceptance or use of any prize.
  • Contact Information:


June 13, 2024 Women in Digital

The Game Changers: Women in Sport & Tech event, hosted with the support of our partners Cisco and Data #3, marked a pivotal moment in the journey toward inclusivity and innovation in both sports and technology. Set against the backdrop of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this event highlighted the significant opportunities for women in these fields and explored how we can collectively drive technology collaboration in the lead-up to this global event.

The event was a melting pot of ideas and insights from trailblazing women reshaping the landscape of sports and tech. Our speakers shared their experiences and strategies for fostering inclusivity and diversity, offering a roadmap for how companies, especially those led by women, can drive technological advancements and create more opportunities in the lead-up to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics.

Emphasising Representation and Mentorship

Highlighting the importance of representation, Annie Devitt, Founder at iNSPIRETEK, emphasised the need for more women in non-female-founded companies and on boards and tables. She shared her journey with iNSPIRETEK, demonstrating how she leveraged opportunities to raise funds and hire a (male!) CEO, even after interviewing 30-60 women, promoting allyship and equality. Annie’s story is a testament to the power of representation and the impact of seeing women in leadership roles.

Advocating for early intervention, Thelma Dzwowa, Community Operations Manager at Brisbane Broncos, discussed the necessity of running mentoring programs in schools. By exposing young girls to different pathways and current industry plays, we can inspire them to pursue careers in sports and tech. This early exposure is crucial in maintaining their interest and participation as they grow older.

Adoption of Sports Tech

Technological advancements are revolutionising fan engagement and athlete performance. This technology is now being rolled out across the Brisbane Broncos, with Thelma providing insights into how football tokens and engagement are taking off in Europe, sports betting is booming with an $89 billion market, and fantasy sports are rapidly growing. Holographic technology and AI are customising and enhancing fan experiences, making sports more interactive and engaging.

Promoting Equality and Allyship

Addressing the topic of equality, Elia Hill, Managing Director of Connecting in Consulting, spoke passionately about handling it with eyes wide open. She highlighted the importance of equal prize money, as seen in tennis, and emphasised that we must “get that ladder and lift them up.” Her message was clear: true progress comes from deliberate actions to promote equality and support one another.

“Get that ladder and lift them up”

The Importance of Storytelling

Stressing the power of visibility, Natalie Cook, Founder of The Aussie Athlete Fund, reminded us that “you can’t be what you can’t see.” She emphasised the importance of telling and sharing our stories and by doing so, we create unexpected connections and opportunities. Her journey in fundraising, learning to handle rejection, and persevering is a powerful example of resilience and determination.

Strategic Planning for 2032

Focusing on long-term strategy, Annie shared her insight on how 95% of her revenue comes from international markets. She stressed the importance of starting now for the 2032 Olympics by objectively analysing strategic plans to play a part in the games. Companies must ask themselves, “How can we impact the games?” and align their strategies accordingly.

Opportunities and Challenges

The Game Changers: Women in Sport & Tech event was a celebration of the trailblazers and innovators driving progress at the intersection of women, sports, and technology. By sharing experiences and strategies, our speakers provided actionable solutions for fostering inclusivity and diversity. As we look towards the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, it is up to all of us to ensure women are given equal opportunities across both the sports and tech sectors.

Join us in this journey as we continue to advocate for change, inspire the next generation, and celebrate the women changing the game in tech and sport.



Do you know someone who is forging their leadership path? Nominate them for the 2024 Women in Digital Awards!


June 4, 2024 Women in Digital

“Conscious reinvention throughout your career will get you where you need to be.” – Susannah Rosoman, Managing Director at Accenture


In an era where technology drives transformation across all sectors, the need for diverse leadership has never been more critical. Women in Digital recently hosted our Melbourne showcase event “Leadership at Every Level: Forging Your Own Path”, aimed at inspiring and empowering women to break barriers and ascend to leadership roles in the tech industry. The event brought together CEOs and founders from the tech and digital industry, each at different stages of their careers, to share their insights, experiences, and the lessons they’ve learned on their journey to success.

The Current Landscape

Despite women making up half of the Australian workforce, they remain underrepresented in key decision-making roles. According to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), women hold only:

  • 19.4% of CEO positions
  • 32.5% of key management positions
  • 33% of board memberships, and
  • A mere 18% of board chair roles.

At this pace, gender parity in CEO roles will not be achieved until 2100. This stark disparity underscores the importance of events like Women in Digital, which aim to accelerate progress by showcasing the achievements and strategies of successful women leaders in tech.

Embracing Challenges and Leading Boldly

A recurring theme throughout the event was the importance of embracing challenges and leading boldly. Dr. Morley Muse, Co-Founder and Director at iSTEM Co, highlighted the power of expertise and confidence. She emphasised that being exceptionally good at what you do can overshadow any biases or preferences others might have. This sentiment encourages women to hone their skills and assert their worth, regardless of the obstacles they may face.

In contrast, Nikita Fernandes, CEO and Co-Founder at Fora Health, shared a different yet equally powerful perspective: the value of cautious, considered action. She candidly admitted to feeling fear but emphasised the importance of trusting one’s gut and making bold moves despite it. Her approach resonated with many, underscoring that leadership does not require the absence of fear but rather the courage to act in spite of it.

The Power of Reinvention

Susannah Rosoman‘s (Managing Director at Accenture) journey illustrated the power of reinvention and staying curious. She spoke about the necessity of continuously evolving and surrounding oneself with the right people. This mindset of conscious reinvention ensures that one remains relevant and adaptable in an ever-changing industry.

The insights shared by the panelists provided practical, relatable advice that can be applied by women at any stage of their careers. From knowing one’s boundaries and worth to trusting in one’s value and making strategic decisions, these takeaways were not only inspirational but also actionable.

Building a Future of Inclusive Leadership

At Women in Digital, we believe representation matters. “You can’t be what you can’t see” is more than a mantra; it’s a call to action. The lack of female representation in leadership roles not only limits opportunities for women but also stifles innovation and diversity of thought within organisations. Research consistently shows that companies with greater gender diversity in leadership positions outperform their less diverse counterparts, achieving higher financial returns, greater employee satisfaction, and better decision-making.

The sentiment delivered by the expert panel underscored the transformative power of inclusive leadership. By stepping up to lead at every level, women can drive significant change within their organisations and beyond.

Moving Forward

As we look to the future, it is clear that more needs to be done to bridge the gender gap in leadership within the tech industry. Women in Digital, alongside the work being done by women such as Dr Morely Muse, Susannah Rosoman and Nikita Fernandes, will continue to create platforms for women to connect, learn, and inspire each other. By amplifying the voices and stories of women leaders, we aim to encourage more women to pursue leadership roles and forge their paths in tech.



Do you know someone who is forging their leadership path? Nominate them for the 2024 Women in Digital Awards!


June 4, 2024 Women in Digital

“Impact is the new black” -Jenna Leo, CEO & Co-Founder of Like Family


Global events continue to influence the digital industry in Australia, and the intersection of social entrepreneurship and impactful change has become a focal point for technology-driven companies, especially those that have a high female representation. Recently, our ‘Women in Digital Building a Better World: Women in Tech Driving Social Impact‘ event highlighted this powerful synergy, bringing together remarkable female leaders who are making significant strides in their respective fields. The insights shared during the event were not only inspirational but also a testament to the transformative power of technology and social innovation.

Pioneering Change Through Social Impact

The showcasing of social enterprises and their contributions to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion is vital to understanding how technology can be harnessed to address some of the most pressing social issues of our time. From ending loneliness and social isolation to fostering cultural safety and promoting sustainable practices, leaders within the digital industry have been able to demonstrate the multifaceted impact of social entrepreneurship.

The recent discussions at the Women in Digital ‘Building A Better World’ event highlighted how we can be using technology to drive social impact across diverse communities.

Leveraging Technology to Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation

Voicing her compelling mantra that “Impact is the new black” Jenna Leo, CEO & Co-Founder of Like Family, highlighted the importance of community and human connection in an increasingly digital world. By leveraging technology, organisations are creating spaces where people can find support and companionship, addressing one of the most pressing social issues of our time – loneliness and social isolation.

Creating Inclusive and Supportive Communities

One of the core messages delivered by Lisa Sarago, CEO & Founder of Land on Heart, was the importance of building communities that align with your missions and values. With an emphasis on how creating inclusive and culturally sensitive environments can drive meaningful change, fostering such communities and highlighting the role of technology should be a core driver when connecting people and amplifying diverse voices.

Tackling Complex Problems Sustainably

Another key theme was the need for sustainable solutions to complex problems. Elakkiya Ramarajan, Lead Data Scientist at VAPAR, underscored the growing necessity for tech solutions that consider long-term impacts on both the environment and society. What was also illustrated was how innovation and curiosity can lead to sustainable practices that not only solve immediate challenges but also contribute to a better future.

Insights and Takeaways

With a treasure trove of valuable insights, particularly in addressing unconscious bias and making a meaningful impact as allies in the tech industry, we should all be considering how technology has the power to be a great equaliser, offering solutions to some of society’s most pressing issues.

Building communities that align with our missions and values should allow us to explore ways of creating opportunities that advance diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.

The work being done by organisations such as Land On Heart, Like Family, and VAPAR demonstrates the real-world impact of social enterprises and exemplifies how technology and innovation can drive social change and sustainability, inspiring others to follow suit.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, it is essential to continue these conversations and build on the momentum generated by the amazing work being done by social enterprises and tech for good projects. By supporting and empowering women in technology, we can collectively contribute to a better, more inclusive world.

The intersection of social entrepreneurship and impactful change offers a promising path forward, one where technology serves as a catalyst for positive social transformation.



Do you know someone who is building a better world? Nominate them for the 2024 Women in Digital Awards!